

Hui, events and pānui.

Te Puna – Quarterly Magazine
Te Awa – Calendar

Water Conservation Order Celebration 2023

The wellbeing of Te Wakioropupū Springs has been secured by receiving the legal protection to ensure its preservation for generations to come.

Friday 8 December 2023

Friday 8 Dec –  Karakia at Te Waikoropupū Springs
A celebration of this taonga.

Wastewater Wānanga 2023

Wastewater Wānanga


10 am – 2pm.
Limited spaces. Log into Ngāti Tama app to register.
Site visit to Bell Island Treatment Plant.
Lunch provided.

Wānanga Matariki Puanga 2023

Wānanga Matariki Puanga 2023


10 am Pōwhiri – Motueka High School
6pm – Matariki Roller Skating Disco (tamariki) – Motueka Rec Centre


6am – 6.30am Puanga Celebration, breakfast then depart

Wakapuaka Awa Wānanga 2023

Rangatahi Wānanga this Saturday 11th March.
Please bring your Rangatahi/tamariki for an awesome day learning about our Wakapuaka and Waireka Awa.
8.45am – Whānau arrive (Wakapuaka Shearing Shed, Māori Pa Road)
9am – Mihi Whakatau by Anaru Stephens and whānau
9.45am – Depart to Wakapuaka and Waireka Awa monitoring sites, this is led by Nelson City Council water scientists.
11.30am -Arrive back to Shearing shed
12pm – BBQ Kai
Ka mutu te wānanga a te 1pm
Bring your togs and towel if your whānau are wanting to go for a swim.

He Ranga Kōrero 2023

We  have confirmed dates for our fortnightly He Ranga Kōrero sessions. Whānau that want to join will be sent a reminder email before each session. The following are the dates to join online. Please check the whānau app or email for the zoom link.
Wednesday 15th & 29th March 6.30-7.30pm
Wednesday 12th & 26th April, 6.30pm
Wednesday 10th & 24th May, 6.30pm
Wednesday 14th, 28th June 6.30pm
Wednesday 12th & 26th July 6.30pm
Wednesday 9th & 23rd August 6.30pm
Wednesday 13th & 27th September 6.30pm
Wednesday 11th & 25th October 6.30pm
Wednesday 1st & 15th November 6.30pm
Wednesday 7th December 6.30pm

He mihi maioha,

Tēnā koutou e te iti, e te rahi e whakarauika mai nei ki tēnei marae kōrero o Ngāti Tama.  Tuatahi, me huri ō tātou ngākau ki te hunga kua nunumi atu ki te pō, haere, oti atu rā.  Ko rātou te hunga wairua ki rātou, ko tātou ngā mahuetanga iho o rātou mā, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

Welcome to this platform to help us ‘hiki wairua’ – boost our spirits and encourage us to keep doing what we’re doing during this trying time of the Covid-19 lockdown. We will take this opportunity to provide ‘food for thought’ with some snippets from our local history in Te Tauihu, discussion about place names and customs, some Māori language tips, waiata and karakia.

Te Hiki Wairua o Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu gives whānau the opportunity to connect with their whakapapa and iwi through stories, information and teachings. This pānui will be a regular segment, each week focusing on different aspects of Ngāti Tama, we welcome whānau contribution.

This publication will also include information and resources for whānau support, updates, wellbeing and health.

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Waikoropupū Waikoropupū
Pupū ake te whenua
Pupū ake ko ngā wai ora Waikoropupū
Ngā puna wai o Tākaka
Ngā puna roimata wairua
Waikoropupū Waikoropupū