Grants and Scholarship Information
Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust provides assistance to whānau who are registered with us to promote and enhance social, educational, health and wellbeing, sporting and cultural opportunities of the iwi.

Pre-School, Primary and Intermediate Grants
For pre-school, primary and intermediate grants, we offer $200 per tamariki.
Please download the School Grant Form and scan/email your application to
*Education grants can only be provided once per financial year. When applying for a grant, you may be requested to provide your financial information – this is not compulsory to complete.

Secondary Grant
For secondary school students we have the following education grants available:
- Secondary grants are available now. We offer $400 per secondary student.
The below link will direct you to the Māori Education Trust website, where you can register and apply online. Please direct all enquiries about the online process to: or by calling 04 586 7971.
*Education grants can only be provided once per financial year. When applying for a grant, you may be requested to provide your financial information – this is not compulsory to complete.

Cadetship/Apprenticeship Grant
For cadetship and apprenticeship students, we have the following education grants available:
- Apprenticeship/cadetship grants are available of up to $1,000 per grant.
The below link will direct you to the Māori Education Trust website, where you can register and apply online. Please direct all enquiries about the online process to: or by calling 04 586 7971.
*Education grants can only be provided once per financial year. When applying for a grant, you may be requested to provide your financial information – this is not compulsory to complete.

Tertiary Grant
For tertiary students we have the following education grants available:
- Tertiary grants are available. We have different levels of support of up to the below amounts depending on how far you are through your studies:
- $1,000 grant for first year
- $1,200 for second year and;
- $1,500 for third (or more) year.
The below link will direct you to the Māori Education Trust website, where you can register and apply online. Please direct all enquiries about the online process to: or by calling 04 586 7971.
*Education grants can only be provided once per financial year. When applying for a grant, you may be requested to provide your financial information – this is not compulsory to complete.

Te Korowai Aroha o Parapara Scholarship
If you are doing tertiary studies in an environmental field you may wish to apply for this education scholarship of $2,500. This scholarship is to honour the memory of John Ward-Holmes. The cloak symbolises John’s sphere of influence amongst the iwi and the wider community as he worked tirelessly to restore mātauranga to ensure tohora practices continue and the paepae at Onetahua Marae is maintained and the mana of Te Waikoropupū Springs is upheld.
The below link will direct you to the Māori Education Trust website, where you can register and apply online. Please direct all enquiries about the online process to: or by calling 04 586 7971.
*Education grants can only be provided once per financial year. When applying for a grant, you may be requested to provide your financial information – this is not compulsory to complete.

John Mitchell Scholarship
If you are doing tertiary studies in science or history you may wish to apply for this education scholarship of $2,500. This scholarship is to honour the memory of Māui John Mitchell. John’s passion and talent for research resulted in the collated information of Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu tūpuna. John was the inaugural Chair of the Ngāti Tama Trust, and with his wife, Hilary, coordinated the Ngāti Tama Waitangi Tribunal hearing at Wakapuaka and Pōhara. John and Hilary’s research has been preserved in the beautiful series of pukapuka – Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka: A History of Māori of Nelson and Marlborough and He ringatoi o ngā tūpuna.
The below link will direct you to the Māori Education Trust website, where you can register and apply online. Please direct all enquiries about the online process to: or by calling 04 586 7971.
*Education grants can only be provided once per financial year. When applying for a grant, you may be requested to provide your financial information – this is not compulsory to complete.

Manaaki Grant
If you want support with health-related costs you can apply for a Manaaki Grant once every year. The type of costs you can apply for can vary but include glasses, medical bills, dental bills, hearing aids etc. Applications are approved on a case-by-case basis by our Grants Komiti.

Tama Tū Grant
This grant is to tautoko whānau in exceptional circumstances where government or other support is not available or suitable to meet whānau needs. The Tama Tū grant is available once every year. The type of costs you can apply for can vary and approval of application is at the discretion of our Grants Komiti.

Sports Grant
Are you involved in a sports team, have membership/uniform fees or an upcoming sports tournament? You might be able to apply for support via our sports grant – check out the application to see if you’re eligible and submit your application form!

Matariki Grant (Winter Energy)
Matariki Grants are CLOSED NOW whānau! If you want a $200 contribution towards your power bill you can apply for a Winter Energy Grant. Payments will be made straight to your power provider and only one application per household per year.
How to complete the downloaded forms
- Download the application to your computer/device.
- Complete the .pdf form.
- Save the completed .pdf form as a new document – “Save As”.
- Send the completed .pdf form to
General Information
- Monies to successful applicants will be distributed once the grant has been approved.
- Grants will be distributed at the discretion of the Trust, and may vary from year to year.
- The Trust requires verification of enrolment for all education/tertiary grants.
- If you need help to complete your application or require more information about registering with Ngāti Tama, please contact the office.
- Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Please send all completed applications to:
Ngāti Tama Ki Te Waipounamu Trust
PO Box 914
Nelson 7040
Travel Subsidy 2025
The individual subsidy is available to all registered adult (18+) members and tamariki of registered members who would like to attend a Ngāti Tama hui or kaupapa. One subsidy per registered member (and child/ren) per year.
Application forms will be available at the hui-ā-tau and wānanga, where whānau must be present to apply.
The subsidy will be distributed to whānau bank accounts in the weeks following the hui-ā-tau and wānanga.