Kua tauria a Parapara e te kapua pōuri o aituā
Kua waipuketia a Pariwhakaoho e te roimata
Ko tōu marae a Onetahua e tū tahanga nei
E pupū ake ana te aroha i te ao, i te pō
Mōu kua riro atu nei ki tua o te ārai, e koro e
Taihoa e haere, kia takaia koe ki te kupu kōrero hei korowai mōu
E moe e koro, e au ai te moe..
It is with sadness that we advise of the passing of John Tahana Ward-Holmes who passed away on Sunday 17th April 2022, surrounded by whānau. We send our aroha, manaaki and awhi to the whānau pani at this time.
John has been an enduring figure for Ngāti Tama, particularly in Mohua, where he was born, raised and spent nearly all of his adult life. He has been a pillar of leadership in Mohua over this time. His legacy of kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga and whanaungatanga is embodied in the lasting connections he has made with restoring matauranga to ensure our tohora practices are ongoing, the paepae at Onetahua is maintained, and the mana of Te Waikoropupū Springs are upheld. These are only some of Johns many contributions to not only Ngāti Tama but the community at large.
John is now with his whānau at his kainga at 245 Grant Road, Puramāhoi and are welcoming manuhiri from today. To uphold Taranaki tikanga in terms of welcoming, the whānau have decided to stagger the groups going on, to the following times; 9am, 11am, 2pm & 4pm to allow for breaks. If you are vulnerable then please wear a mask, and if you are unwell, or feel unwell, the whanau have respectfully asked that you stay safe at home.
John’s service will be on Friday 22nd April 2022, at 11am, 245 Grant Road, Puramāhoi. He will then be taken to Rototai Urupa for burial at approximately 1pm. The Weather is looking wet, so if you are heading over it is advised to wear the appropriate footwear and clothing.
Nā mātou, i runga i te aroha.