Ngā mema o Te Poari

The Board of Trustees role is to oversee the governance for Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust.

The role of Associates is to create pathways for adult registered members to develop the knowledge and skills required for future potential roles in the Ngāti Tama Group, including Trustee, Director, employee, appointed kōmiti member, and/or mandated representative.

Anthony Little
Anthony LittleChair
Phil Sparks
Phil SparksDeputy Chair
Kerensa Johnston
Kerensa JohnstonTrustee
Margie Little
Margie LittleTrustee
Fred Te Miha
Fred Te MihaTrustee
Andrew Stephens
Andrew StephensTrustee
Nikita Day
Nikita DayTrustee
Hoani Tākao
Hoani TākaoAssociate Trustee
Dan Solomon
Dan SolomonAssociate Trustee

Ō Tātou Kaimahi

Ngāti Tama staff are employed by the board to deliver the operations of the Trusts work.

Hemi Sundgren
Hemi SundgrenTe Pouwhakahaere
Chief Executive Officer
Te Ahu Rei
Te Ahu ReiTe Pou Hāpai Tikanga
Cultural Manager
Jenna Neame
Jenna NeameTe Pou Amotake
General Manager/
Business and Operations
Dayveen Stephens
Dayveen StephensTe Pou Taiao
Environment Manager
Robert Hovenden
Robert HovendenTe Pou Tahua
Group Accountant
Jasmine James
Jasmine JamesPou Whakakori
Programme Co-ordination/
Events and Engagement
Jacinta Beullens
Jacinta BeullensTe Pouwhakarakei
Graphic Designer
Suz Tawaka
Suz TawakaPou Tari
Office Co-ordinator