

Hui, events and pānui.

Te Puna – Quarterly Magazine
Te Awa – Calendar

Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu – Whānau Engagement Hui

Now is a time to engage with our whānau, kanohi ki te kanohi, so the Board can understand what our whānau future priorities are. I encourage whānau to attend one of the Whānau Engagement Hui to help inform our strategic planning and our goals for the future.

Ngāti Tama ki te Waipounamu Trust wants to know what is important to you so that we can plan the next 10 years with whānau priorities in mind.

We invite our iwi members and whānau to share your thoughts and ideas about where the tribe should be. You can participate by attending a hui.

Hui ki Tāmaki Makaurau

Te Rā: Monday 21st October
Kei: Jetpark Hotel, 63 Westney Road,
Mangere, Auckland
Te Wā: 6pm


Hui ki Taranaki

Te Rā: Tuesday 22nd October
Kei: Auotolodge Conference Hotel, 393, Devon Street East, New Plymouth
Te Wā: 6pm


Hui ki Porirua

Te Rā: Wednesday 23rd October
Kei: Aotea Lodge, 65 Whitford Brown Ave, Papakowhai
Te Wā: 6pm


Hui ki Ōtautahi

Te Rā: Thursday 24th October
Kei: Quality Hotel, The Elms, 456 Papanui Road, Christchurch
Te Wā: 6pm


Hui ki Whakatū

Te Rā: Wednesday 30th October
Kei: Ngāti Tama Office, 74 Waimea Road, Nelson
Te Wā: 6pm

The Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu Strategic plan 2015 is due to expire in 2020 and a new plan needs to be created to guide our Trustees, Trust and Asset Holding Company for future decision making. It is important to have input from whānau who reside inside and outside of Te Tau Ihu so that our future planning and goals represent our iwi members priorities.

Additionally, information and feedback forms will be made available online and via post so that all registered iwi members have the opportunity to engage with the Trust.

If you can attend a hui please RSVP or for further enquiries please contact Christina 
Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust
Phone: (03) 548 1740


He mihi maioha,

Tēnā koutou e te iti, e te rahi e whakarauika mai nei ki tēnei marae kōrero o Ngāti Tama.  Tuatahi, me huri ō tātou ngākau ki te hunga kua nunumi atu ki te pō, haere, oti atu rā.  Ko rātou te hunga wairua ki rātou, ko tātou ngā mahuetanga iho o rātou mā, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

Welcome to this platform to help us ‘hiki wairua’ – boost our spirits and encourage us to keep doing what we’re doing during this trying time of the Covid-19 lockdown. We will take this opportunity to provide ‘food for thought’ with some snippets from our local history in Te Tauihu, discussion about place names and customs, some Māori language tips, waiata and karakia.

Te Hiki Wairua o Ngāti Tama ki Te Tauihu gives whānau the opportunity to connect with their whakapapa and iwi through stories, information and teachings. This pānui will be a regular segment, each week focusing on different aspects of Ngāti Tama, we welcome whānau contribution.

This publication will also include information and resources for whānau support, updates, wellbeing and health.

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